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Postdoc Position at the Quantum Theory Project a ... (No replies)
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Postdoc position
The group of Prof. Richard Hennig in the Quantum Theory Project and Department of Materials Science at the University of Florida is looking for a highly motivated postdoctoral candidate for the development of advanced predictive and data analysis tools for 2D materials. Appointments will be initially for one year with an opportunity to extend the position up to three years. The expected start date is April 1, 2018 (exact start date negotiable).
The successful applicant will develop software tools for the prediction of novel 2D materials and defects in 2D materials. These software tools include data analysis tools for computed electronic structures of 2D materials, high-throughput frameworks for the characterization of defects in 2D materials for structural, chemical, electronic, and optical properties, and predictive methods for the synthesis of novel 2D materials. This project is part of a multi-institution project funded by the National Science Foundation for the development of a 2D Data Infrastructure. The exact research topic will depend on the background and research interest of the successful applicant.
A Ph.D. degree in theoretical or computational physics, chemistry, material science or a related field is required. The ideal candidate should have prior experience in one or more of the following areas:
Candidates should have excellent team-working and communication skills, enjoy a challenge and thrive in a fast-paced and dynamic environment. A commitment to work with colleagues in other fields and institutes is a pre-requisite.
Applications should include: a letter of motivation, a detailed CV including publication list, a summary of academic record and research experience, abstract of Ph.D. thesis (1 page), preferred starting date, proof of English language skills (if applicable), and names of three references. Applications will be considered until the position is filled. To apply, please email your documents to [email protected].
The University of Florida is an equal opportunity institution dedicated to building a broadly diverse and inclusive faculty and staff.