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Postdoc Position at the Physics Institute - Stat ... (No replies)
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We are looking for candidates interested in the research project entitled "Multi-scale Modelling of Carbon Nanotube-based Artificial Muscles". The position is open at the Institute of Physics of the State University of Campinas (Brazil), under the supervision of Prof. Douglas S. Galvão.
The main goal is to develop a theoretical model to carbon nanotube-based artificial muscles. In particular, we are interested in the mechanisms associated with the mechano- and/or electro-actuation.
We are looking for candidates with: (a) initiative, independence and interested in interdisciplinary research; (b) excellent academic records; (c) fluency in English; (d) previous experience with molecular dynamics simulations (classical and reactive) and finite element modelling. Candidates must have finished his/her PhD after 2011.
How to apply
Applications should be made by e-mail. The deadline is February 18th, 2017. It should be directed to Prof. Douglas Galvão ([email protected]). For application, please attach to the e-mail message: i) The identification of the position: ARTIFICIAL MUSCLES CEPID; ii) Letter explaining his/her interests and abilities to carry out the project; iii) Resume with a list of published articles.
The selection will be made mainly based on the letter of interest and resume. If necessary a skype interview will also be made.
This opportunity is open to candidates of any nationalities. The selected candidate will receive a FAPESP's Post-Doctoral fellowship in the amount of R$ 6.819,30 monthly and a research contingency fund, equivalent to 15% of the annual value of the fellowship which should be spent in items directly related to the research activity.
Deadline application: February 18th, 2017.