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Postdoc position at the Advanced Materials Desig ... (No replies)

8 years ago
mystepinjx 8 years ago

A postdoctoral position is available at Pusan National University, in Pusan, Republic of Korea. The position is for one year, with possible reappointment up to four years by mutual agreement between the PI and the postdoctoral researcher.

The successful candidate will work in a multiscale modeling on investigation/design of new materials for energy applications (e.g. fuel-cell, ion batteries). Specific research topics will include 1) calculations of structure-properties relationships of the materials, and 2) discovery of materials descriptors to design new materials based on materials informatics approach.

Desired qualifications: 1) Ph.D. degree in Materials Science/Chemical Engineering/Physics/Chemistry or in a closely-related fields, 2) expert in molecular dynamics (MD-LAMMPS etc.) and DFT calculations (VASP etc.) for organic or hybrid materials system (prefer MD expert), and 3) comprehensive experience on atomic-level modelling of chemical reactions, defects, thermodynamics, etc. at their interfaces preferred.

The position is available from now, and will remain open until filled. Interested parties should send a cover letter, resumé or curriculum vitae (including publications) to [email protected]

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials