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Postdoc position at Sandia National Labs (No replies)

8 years ago
fleonard 8 years ago

The Materials Physics Department at Sandia National Laboratories in Livermore, California seeks a postdoctoral researcher to develop and implement theory and modeling approaches for quantum single photon detection based on nanomaterials. The postdoctoral researcher will work as part of a team and interact closely with experimentalists and theorists. Research topics include modeling of single photon interactions with nanomaterials and molecules, interactions between molecules and nanomaterials, and quantum electronic transport in nanomaterials.

We are looking for candidates with computational/theoretical experience in fields such as electronic structure, optical properties, quantum optics, and/or quantum electronic transport.

To apply for the position please visit Sandia's Careers website at and search

for position #655346.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials