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Postdoc position at Institute of Physics, Prague ... (No replies)

8 years ago
jelen 8 years ago

Job description:

postdoctoral position in the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciencies, Prague

Scientific profile:

Main objective is an application and further development of Tully’s surface hoping method for non-adiabatic molecular dynamics implemented in a home-built local basis set DFT code Fireball for realistic systems including hundreds of atoms [1]. Main research directions will be on-surface chemistry induced by light on insulator surfaces (in close collaboration with on-going UHV AFM/STM experimental effort in the group) and electron-hole pair relaxation in nanocrystals (most likely made of silicon, but we can extend it to other materials). The non-adiabatic DFT simulations will be supported by standard total energy DFT calculations (VASP, FHI-AIMS) and a home built nc-AFM/STM simulation code [3,4]

Alternatively, we are also open for discussion towards other directions...


[1] E. Abad et al, J. Chem. Phys. 138, 154106 (2013); V. Zobac et al, JPCM 27, 175002 (2015).

[2] P. Hapala et al, PRL 113, 226101 (2014);P. Hapala et al, Nature comm. 7, 11560 (2016).

Knowledge, Skills and Experience:

Solid background in computational methods including DFT, solid state physics and/or quantum chemistry and/or computer material science, programming skills (Fortran 90, C/C++) are prefered

Work place:

Nanosurf lab aims to combine both theory (mostly DFT based calculations, including development of own computational methods) and experiment (mainly low temperature UHV scanning probe microscopy). More about research activities and achievements of the group can be found here: 


Send CV with publication list, letter of motivation and the contacts of at least 2 references to the following email [email protected]

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials