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PostDoc Position at Graz University of Technolog ... (No replies)

9 years ago
ezojer 9 years ago

We are looking for an excellent PostDoc to join the group of Applied Materials Modelling (part of the Institute of Solid State Physics) at Graz University of Technology, one of the world’s oldest technical universities with a tradition of more than 200 years. TU Graz offers excellent research possibilities, for example, in the area of organic semiconductors and their simulation and is embedded in a thriving high-tech industrial environment.

The candidate will concentrate on the quantum-mechanical simulation of heat-transport phenomena in organic semiconductors, a yet unexplored research direction with the potential of numerous ground-breaking discoveries. The simulations will be embedded in a project that also comprises macroscopic-scale simulations of entire devices and suitable experiments. Experience in the area of molecular dynamics simulations (using quantum-mechanically calculated forces) is required and the candidate is expected to work largely independently with the possibility of closely collaborating with Master and PhD students.

Depending on the level of qualification, the candidate will be hired at the PostDoc or Senior PostDoc level at a competitive salary. The position is initially opened for two years with the option for a limited-time extension.

Starting data: August/September 2015

Please send applications to [email protected] and [email protected] (;

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials