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Postdoc position (2y): Detection of dislocation ... (No replies)

3 years ago
mstricker 3 years ago

The Ruhr-University Bochum (RUB) is one of the leading research universities in material science in Germany. It draws its strengths from the wide range of scientific and engineering disciplines located at a single coherent campus, thus providing excellent infrastructure for interdisciplinary research projects. Furthermore, this highly dynamic setting provides a leverage effect enabling students and researchers to work across traditional boundaries of academic subjects and faculties.

We offer a postdoctoral research position at the RUB (Bochum, NRW, Germany) in a joint project between the Institute of Materials and the Interdisciplinary Centre for Advanced Materials Simulation (ICAMS) on the characterization of dislocation structures based on Kikuchi diffraction patterns. This project aims to gain a deeper understanding of the effect of crystal defects on the appearance and properties of Kikuchi patterns. Dynamic simulations of Kikuchi patterns arising from an atomistic model of the electron beam and crystal lattice interaction volume will serve as a basis to train a machine-learning (ML) approach. The position includes the generation and measurement of data, data fusion from simulations and experiments, and considerations about metadata and data formats based on an appropriate ontology to set up a database for both simulated and experimental data.

The position is third party funded and does not have any formal teaching duties attached.


We search for an outstanding candidate (m/f/d) with strong programming skills and a background in orientation imaging (OIM) based on the EBSD technique, ideally from experiment and simulation and a commensurate academic record. In addition, experience with machine-learning methods is desired.

Please send your complete and informative application documents (informative cover letter, 1-page motivational letter, CV with certificates, 3 publications) as one pdf document by e-mail to Jun.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Markus Stricker [email protected].

More information can be found at the official job posting: Link

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials