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Postdoc Position, 2D Materials + Machine Learnin ... (No replies)

6 years ago
chrispr 6 years ago

A postdoctoral position with a primary focus on 2D materials and machine learning is available immediately in the Shenoy Research Group at the University of Pennsylvania. We are looking for a strongly motivated candidate to work on projects studying excitonic physics, magnetic properties, and electronic structures of 2D materials and their heterostructures, using a combination of first-principles and machine learning approaches.

The ideal candidate will have expertise in density functional theory and the ability to pose problems effectively for different machine learning techniques. A background in simulations of quasiparticle physics and analyzing large datasets will be considered as an advantage. This individual will have the opportunity to be directly involved in complimentary experimental investigations at Upenn, Drexel, and our collaborators elsewhere. 

Candidates should send their CV with names of three references to Prof. Vivek Shenoy ([email protected]). The group website can be found at .

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials