Job announcements relevant to people interested in electronic structure calculations…
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Postdoc, PhD and IT engineer posts - Aix Marseil ... (No replies)
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Dear colleagues,
I would be grateful if you could bring the following job opening to the attention of suitable candidates.
I am looking for
* an IT engineer,
* three postdocs,
* and one PhD student
to join the Light and Molecules group in the framework of the SubNano project.
SubNano is an ERC Advanced Grant project coordinated by me, set to develop computational methods for nonadiabatic mixed-quantum classical dynamics simulations in the long timescale (up to nanosecond). The project will start this Autumn at the Institut de Chimie Radicalaire of the Aix Marseille University.
A quick description of the SubNano project is in:
Detailed information about each job post can be found in:
General inquires can be sent to Prof. Mario Barbatti: [email protected]
Please, add the post reference to any message.
Thank you and best regards,
Mario Barbatti