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Postdoc Opportunities at NCSA, University of Ill ... (No replies)

9 years ago
lkwagner 9 years ago

NCSA is looking for postdoctoral fellows in our theme areas for

  • Materials and Manufacturing
  • Computing and Data Sciences
  • Culture and Society and
  • Bioinformatics and Health Sciences.

We expect that members of Psi-K should be most interested in the first category, but other categories are welcomed. For information on these positions, please see

We are also advertising for postdocs for individual faculty projects in

  • Observational extragalactic astronomy enabled by data science (with Prof Xin Liu, Dept of Astronomy)
  • Quasar research enabled by data science (with Prof Yue Shen, Dept of Astronomy)
  • Computational genomics (with Prof Sergei Maslov, Dept of Bioengineering),
  • Educational Data Mining (EDM) and Learning analytics (with Prof Luc Paquette, College of Education)
  • Reproducibility in computational and data-intensive research (with Prof Victoria Stodden, Graduate School of Library and Information Science),
  • Large scale crop models (with Prof Kaiyu Guan, College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences)
  • Numerical Relativity (with Prof Gabrielle Allen, Astronomy)

Finally, with our colleagues at the Cyprus Institute we are partnering on a search for up to three postdoctoral fellows in areas of overlapping interest between our theme areas and the centers at the Cyprus Institute, and have joint search committees established, postdocs interested in this opportunity will be expected to spend 3 months a year in Cyprus working to develop long term collaborations between our two institutes. Information on these positions is at

Interested parties should contact Gabrielle Allen ([email protected]) or Amanda Lombardo ([email protected])

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials