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Postdoc opening in University of California, Riv ... (No replies)

6 years ago
bmwong 6 years ago

A new postdoctoral position is available immediately in the computational chemistry/physics and materials science group of Prof. Bryan M. Wong at the University of California-Riverside.

We are an extremely productive and highly-published multidisciplinary group located in sunny Southern California, with an interest in both method development and application in the chemistry/physics and material science of large systems. A website of our interests and publications can be found at:

Job description: For this position, the postdoctoral associate will assist in carrying out work in various aspects of self-interaction-corrected DFT and other methodological developments in DFT (such as time-dependent DFT or non-adiabatic dynamics). Specific expertise in self-interaction corrected DFT or time-dependent DFT is *not* an explicit requirement (although it is helpful), and more importance will be placed on the applicant's expertise in methodological development with first-principles quantum methods.

The postdoc will:

Modify, develop code as needed using Fortran and/or C.
Develop and run calculations using standard and non-standard ab initio and quantum codes.
Write journal articles on developed methods, calculations, and results.
Attend conferences and present work.

For more information, contact Prof. Bryan Wong at bryan.wong (at)

To apply, please send a CV describing past/current research, publications, and a list of 2-3 references.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials