Job announcements relevant to people interested in electronic structure calculations…
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Postdoc opening in NUST “MISiS”, Moscow (1 reply)
Dear Professor,
Herewith I would like to submit my applications for the Post-Doctor position in your research group. My research interest covers the investigation of designing efficient, stable, and non-toxic perovskite solar cells (PSCs) by using state-of-the-art density functional theory (DFT) calculations and I published 16 papers including 2 papers in Journal of materials Chemistry A (Impact factor > 9.9), 3 papers in Physical review B as the first author.
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Applications are invited for post-doctoral research associate position in the group of Dr. Pavel B. Sorokin in the Inorganic Nanomaterials laboratory at the National University of Science and Technology MISiS (Moscow, Russia).
The postdoctoral researcher will play a leading role in computational support for a experimental studies of 1D/2D nanomaterials. Areas of interest include, but are not restricted to nanomaterials mechanical and electronic properties, computational catalysis, defect physics. The position is initially funded for 12 months but is extendable upon review.
More details of the research being done in the group can be found at:
NUST “MISiS” is the leading university in Russia and located close to the Moscow center. We wish to appoint an outstanding individual with a strong track record in first-principles electronic structure calculations and a PhD in theoretical or computational physical science (chemistry, physics or material science). Good programming skills are an advantage (but not necessary) since we develop several computer codes in our group.
International experience during or after the PhD degree is required. Ability to work independently and take full responsibility for own projects, and to create synergy in collaboration with colleagues is necessary.
The salary will be competitive (approx. 28000 EUR/year before tax).
The call is open immediately and the position will be filled as soon as a proper candidate is found – the starting date is expected to be no later than Q3/2019.
Interested candidates should send a CV, contact information to Dr. Pavel B. Sorokin at [email protected].