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Postdoc (M/F) : Materials Modelling – Solid/li ... (No replies)

4 years ago
ftielens 4 years ago


The postdoctoral project will focus on the development and application of ab initio/DFT methods for the characterization of materials (biological minerals, transition metal oxides) using advanced molecular dynamics methods, in very close collaboration with experiments (IR, Raman, NMR, XRD, microscopies, etc.).


- Development of theoretical models
- Implementation of theoretical models
- Application of the methods developed;
- Project management;
- Valorization of results (writing of articles and scientific reports, oral presentations).
- Participation to the laboratory activities (including teaching and mentoring)


- Solid background in theoretical chemistry applied on the solid state.
- General knowledge of experimental Materials Science characterization techniques. 
- Experience in solid/liquid Interfaces and nucleation is a plus.
- Experience in the calculation of vibrational spectra, NMR spectra, and XRD patterns.
- A very good knowledge of computer systems based on Linux / Unix and programming languages (python, fortran, C ++) is desirable.
- Excellent communication in English. The knowledge of Dutch is a plus, as well as French.
- Project management and team player.

Contract Period : 12 months (renewable)
Expected date of employment :September/October 2020
Proportion of work : Full time
Remuneration : 2300 € - 2700 € (netto) according to candidate's experience
Desired level of education : PhD
Experience required : PhD in theoretical/computational chemistry or materials science


Work Context

The General Chemistry Group – Materials Modelling of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel scientific areas:

1) Solid state: Structure and Properties;
2) Liquid state, Interfaces and Solvation;
3) Spectroscopies (IR, Raman, NMR) and diffraction (XRD, neutron).
4) Dynamics and Symmetries;
5) Biophysics and Biochemistry

The laboratory is part of a human sized university, embedded in a very dynamic and strong network of local and international laboratories promoting multi-disciplinarity.

Interested candidate should send an email with cv, letter of motivation and references to [email protected]

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials