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postdoc--interface between mat sci and computer ... (No replies)

7 years ago
vandover 7 years ago

We seek to engage a postdoc for our MURI (multi-university research initiative) program based at Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA. This MURI is developing autonomous experimentation methods and techniques in which AI agents not only control the execution of processing and characterization steps, but also design and modify them in a feedback loop with no human intervention. We need someone who can interface effectively between materials scientists and computer scientists who are world-class researchers in AI involving unsupervised learning. The candidate should be familiar with DFT, data mining, and data management, and have a good understanding of crystal structures. Programming experience is desirable. 

This position will involve close collaboration with Prof. R. Bruce van Dover, Prof. Michael Thompson, Prof. Carla Gomes, and Prof. Bart Selman (all at Cornell) and Dr. John Gregoire (Caltech).

Cornell embodies a research environment that is highly collaborative and a physical environment that is relaxed and stunning. We plan to offer a highly competitive salary, based on qualifications and experience.

This position is available immediately. Applications should include: (1) Curriculum Vitae, (2) Publication List, (3) One-page summary of accomplishments to date, and their significance, (4) Names and contact information (including email) of three references. 

For more information or to apply, please contact Prof. R. Bruce van Dover ([email protected]).

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials