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PostDoc in theory of correlated materials (deadl ... (No replies)

4 years ago
demedici 4 years ago

PostDoc position in the group of Theory of Strongly Correlated Materials of the LPEM laboratory in ESPCI, Paris.

The group performs research on Density-Functional Theory + many-body strong correlations (Dynamical mean-field theory, slave-particle methods,…) descriptions of high-Tc superconductors (Fe-based Superconductors, Cuprates, Ruthenates etc.) and similar or related materials, and on models and solution methods for strongly interacting fermionic systems in general. The LPEM features experimental research on these systems at the highest international level, with a large panel of techniques such as transport, STM, IR reflectivity, NMR, ARPES, and others), so theory-experiment interactions are possible, and favored.

The research will range within these subjects: modeling of transport and thermoelectricity in Hund’s metals, pairing mechanisms in such systems, common many-body mechanisms in high-Tc superconductors, heavy-fermionic behavior in Fe-superconductors, broken symmetry phases, etc.

Other opportunities of research within the objectives of the ERC Consolidator project StrongCoPhy4Energy and collaborations within the project group and outside will be available to the candidate depending on his/her interests and competencies.

The PostDoc candidate should have a PhD in physics (theoretical physics or condensed matter physics preferred), a background in many-body theory and condensed matter physics, and some experience with numerical techniques for strongly correlated systems such as but not restricted to DMFT, MonteCarlo, NRG, DMRG, is highly appreciated.

In order to apply visit

Due to the present confinement situation in France, deadline extended to May 1st, preferred starting date June 1st or whenever possible.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials