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Postdoc in Molecular and Polymer MD Simulations ... (No replies)
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The Risko Research Group ( in the Department of Chemistry and Center for Applied Energy Research (CAER) at the University of Kentucky (UK) is seeking outstanding, highly motivated candidates for an immediate Postdoctoral Researcher opening working in the field of computational materials science. Focusing on π-conjugated molecules and polymers employed in organic semiconductors, the project will establish essential connections among chemical composition, molecular architecture, nucleation and growth, and materials processing with the solid-state packings and (opto)electronic response of these materials.
Prospective candidates should have a strong background in theoretical/computational chemistry, physics, or material science. An extensive background in atomistic and coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations, with a preferred focus on polymer and molecular materials, is required. Primary responsibilities will involve developing and/or implementing molecular dynamics simulation protocols for molecular, polymer, and blend materials. Knowledge of Linux/Unix based computer systems and programming languages is desirable. Experience with quantum-chemical calculations (e.g., density functional theory, DFT) is a plus. The position will also consider development and application of machine learning / data-driven techniques. Strong written and verbal communication skills are required for this position. As part of the Postdoctoral training, the applicant will be required help supervise and train graduate and undergraduate students.
The initial appointment will be for one year with possible extension. The position is open to start as soon as possible.
For information on the project and position, interested candidates are encouraged to contact Chad Risko by email at [email protected]. Please include a CV, brief description of research interests, and contact information for three professional references.