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Postdoc in materials for quantum information @ T ... (No replies)

7 years ago
handlin 7 years ago

A position is available in the group of Giulia Galli at the University of Chicago for a postdoctoral scholar specializing in the study of materials for quantum information science. An excellent candidate is sought with experience in solid-state physics and first principles simulations of materials.

Major duties and responsibilities: Develop method and codes for the investigations of materials at the atomistic level with the goal of understanding and discovering materials for use in quantum information technologies. Work will be carried out in collaboration with experimentalists. Information about the topics of interest can be found at:

Skills and experience:

- Strong background in solid-state physics, including density functional theory and many-body perturbation theory (required)

- Programming: Python and C++ or Fortran (required)

- Previous experience with first principles materials simulation codes (e.g. Quantum Espresso and Qbox) (preferred)

- Previous collaboration with experimental groups (preferred)

The environment The position (initially for 1 year and renewable) will be hosted at the Institute for Molecular Engineering (IME), at the University of Chicago, under the supervision of Prof. Giulia Galli ( IME offers a thriving intellectual environment, outstanding computational resources and facilities, and a very active and lively community.

Applications Candidates should submit 1) a full CV, including contacts for at least two references, and 2) a cover letter of intent to Giulia Galli at [email protected], with “Quantum Information Postdoc” in the subject line (PDF attachments only). Shortlisted candidates will be contacted individually for interviews, usually over Skype videoconferencing.


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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials