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Postdoc in embedded GW/BSE (QM/MM) (No replies)

1 year ago
gdavino 1 year ago

A two-years postdoctoral position in theoretical and computational physics/chemistry is available at the Institut Néel of CNRS in Grenoble (France) under the supervision of Gabriele D’Avino.

The successful candidate will further develop GW and Bethe-Salpeter equation methods with classical atomistic embedding (QM/MM framework), and apply them to timely research problems (energy transfer, exciton dispersion, organic photovoltaics). Collaborations with other members of the theory group are foreseen. The proposed research is highly interdisciplinary (physics, materials science, chemistry), interaction with experimental collaborators may be possible.


Representative publications:

Physical Review B 97, 035108 (2018)

Materials Horizons 6, 107 (2019)

Nature Communications 11, 4617 (2020)


The candidate must hold a PhD in physics, chemistry or materials science and have a solid background in theory of condensed matter physics and/or chemical physics. Strong independence, motivations and communication skills in English are necessary. Experience with coding and high-performance computing are required.


Interested candidates can send their application package (CV, motivation letter, two reference's contact information) to gabriele.davino [at]

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials