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Postdoc in Computational Separations Science (No replies)
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Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) is a world-class research institution powered by a highly educated, diverse workforce committed to collaboration and work–life balance. Every year, scores of dynamic, driven postdocs come to PNNL to work with renowned researchers on meaningful science, innovations and outcomes for the U.S. Department of Energy and other sponsors; here is your chance to be one of them!
Contribute to PNNL’s goals in computations and catalysis as part of the Lab’s Physical Sciences Division (PSD). As a postdoctoral researcher in the Basic and Applied Molecular Foundations (BAMF) group, you will join a talented, multi-investigator team to explore the theory and molecular simulation at complex vapor-liquid, liquid-liquid or solid-liquid interfaces. The research will be conducted with a combination of electronic structure, molecular dynamics (MD) and data science-based methods. You will be mentored by prominent researchers, including—Roger Rousseau and Vanda Glezakou—, as you develop a line of computational research. Experience in both classical and ab initio MD fields is highly desirable. The successful candidate will be required to conduct large-scale computer simulations on massively parallel high-performance computing platforms of reactivity and transport at liquid interfaces. The candidate will also interact closely with experimentalists at PNNL who will be performing concurrent measurements on these materials. The programs that the candidate will be contributing to are related to renewable energy practices, such as separations of valuable chemicals from biomass derived broths, CO2 capture materials and design of novel ion separation membranes.
If you are a postdoctoral researcher ready to test your talents and training in computations and hone your skills at a national laboratory widely recognized for its work in the physical sciences, we want to connect with you. Details are below; you do not need to meet all of the preferred qualifications to be considered.
What you will do:
Preferred Skills
Minimal Requirement
PhD. In Chemistry, Physics or Engineering
For more information please get in touch with Dr Vanda Glezakou [email protected]
Online application page: