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Postdoc in Computational Materials Theory (No replies)
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Computational Materials Theory
LMU Munich
Applications are solicited for a position as possible as a postdoctoral research associate at the Ludwig Maximilians University Munich. The applicant will help complete several projects including collating, analyzing computational results and preparing (and authoring) publications.
Minimum requirements for skills, experience and education are a Ph.D. degree, experience with first-principles methods, and expertise at using the Quantum Espresso code. Experience with first-principles molecular dynamics is desirable. Applicant must be available and have the permissions necessary to work in Germany immediately.
The candidate also should be a strong team player with good interpersonal skills, able to build and sustain effective working relationships, and attentive to details. Our research environment operates in English, and applicant should have a good command of scientific writing in proper English.
Applicants should send a vita, bibliography, and 3 letters of reference to [email protected]. The application should include a statement that the applicant requires no visa to work in Germany, or already has one. The application should also state clearly what experience the applicant has with the Quantum Espresso code. The position is for eight months, but might lead to other opportunities.
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Ludwig Maximilians Universität