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Postdoc in Computational High-Throughput Screeni ... (No replies)
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The Atomistic Modelling and Computational Simulations group at CIC Energigune (Vitoria, Spain) is searching for a Postdoctoral researcher to be involved in an industrial project which aims at screening fast ion conductors by combining nanoinformatics with quantum-mechanical and bond valence method simulations. The candidate will join a multidisciplinary and collaborative team of theorists and experimentalists from condensed matter, materials, and chemical sciences.
This is a full time, 18-month, postdoctoral appointment with the possibility of renewal based upon satisfactory job performance, continuing availability of funds, and ongoing operational needs. The position must start in November 2019.
Candidate’s expected profile
Interested candidates should submit through our website ( (1) a cover letter detailing specific experience and scientific interests; (2) the CV; and (3) contact information of at least three references.
For more information please contact Dr. Javier Carrasco at [email protected]