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Postdoc in Computational Electronic Structure Th ... (No replies)
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A 2.5-year postdoctoral position is available in the Materials Simulation Group of Prof. Thonhauser ( The position focuses on improving the description of van der Waals forces in density functional theory. A new van der Waals including density functional will be developed by analyzing and combining two different design philosophies within non-local density functional theory. The project will be performed in close collaboration with Prof. Van Voorhis (MIT) and Dr. Berland (University of Oslo), providing an exciting learning and research environment. The position is funded by the US National Science Foundation and is offered as a one-year contract, renewable for one year and possibly longer, pending NSF approval, with a start date around November 1, 2017. Consideration of candidates will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled.
Experience and thorough understanding of density functional theory and electronic-structure theory is essential. Extensive experience with PWscf and/or VASP, advanced mathematical skills, and programing in FORTRAN is also required. Applicants are expected to hold a PhD degree in physics, chemistry, materials science, or a closely related field. Interested applicants should complete the application at (follow “APPLY”, “Postdoctoral Research”, and then ”Postdoctoral Research Associate, Physics", position No. 2703-141; alternatively, applicants may also use the direct link SilkRoad. Applications should include (1) a cover letter addressing the list of required/desired experiences and the earliest possible start date, (2) a complete CV, and (3) the names and contact information for at least three references. These application materials should be uploaded as ONE pdf file in the online portal. Applications via e-mail cannot be accepted, all applicants have to go through the online portal.
WFU is a private university founded in 1834 and ranked No. 27 among national universities. It is located in Winston-Salem, North Carolina—part of the beautiful Piedmont Triad metropolitan region which is listed among the top 35 best places to live in North America with a very reasonable cost of living and a high quality of life. WFU is also close to the Research Triangle, with an easy commute to universities such as Duke, UNC, and NC State. WFU is an equal opportunity employer and seeks to recruit and retain a diverse workforce.