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Postdoc in Computational Biology/Materials Scien ... (No replies)
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To learn more and apply, applicants can go to and locate job ID 309658
The Opportunity
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) is a world-class research institution powered by a highly educated, diverse workforce committed to collaboration and work–life balance. Every year, scores of dynamic, driven postdocs come to PNNL to work with renowned researchers on meaningful science, innovations and outcomes for the U.S. Department of Energy and other sponsors; here is your chance to be one of them!
Contribute to PNNL’s goals in computational biomolecular materials science as part of the Lab’s Physical Sciences Division. As a postdoctoral researcher, you will join a talented, multi-investigator team to explore the development of synthetic self-assembling systems that mimic the hierarchical nature of biological membranes and carry out high-level functions based on a predictive understanding of both assembly and function. In particular, we seek to create fully synthetic self-assembling biomimetic structures that mimic the environment, versatility, and functionality of cell membranes based on a predictive understanding of: (a) the link between macromolecular sequence and organization, (b) controls on assembly and ordering, (c) incorporation of functional units with a focus on artificial carbon nanotube porins (CNTPs), and (d) mechanisms of fast and selective transport through these materials. You will be mentored hands on by senior researchers and work in close collaboration with the experimental efforts to be central part of the theory and modelling effort.
The Ideal Candidate
If you are a postdoctoral researcher ready to test your talents and training in chemistry/biology/physics/materials and hone your skills at a national laboratory widely recognized for its work in the physical sciences, we want to connect with you. Details are below; you do not need to meet all of the preferred qualifications to be considered.
What you will do:
PNNL is committed to diversity and inclusion; applications from women, minorities, individuals with disabilities, and veterans are strongly encouraged.
Minimum Qualifications:
Preferred Qualifications (not all need to be met):
A background in one or more of the following fields: soft matter, aqueous systems, carbon nano tubes, lipid bilayer, proteins, electrolytes, polymers, solid-liquid interfaces, transport phenomena, model refinement for XRD, SAX, etc. data, force field development, coarse graining, enhanced sampling methods