Job announcements relevant to people interested in electronic structure calculations…
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Postdoc in Advanced Electrochemical Impedance Sp ... (No replies)
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As a member of the Helmholtz Association, Forschungszentrum Jülich makes an effective contribution to solving major challenges facing society in the fields of information, energy, and bioeconomy. It focuses on varied tasks in the area of research management and utilizes large, often unique, scientific infrastructure. Come and work with around 6,100 colleagues across a range of topics and disciplines at one of Europe's largest research centres.
The IEK-13 is newly founded subinstitute in the Institute for Energy and Climate Research of the Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH. With its focus on theory, modelling and simulation of materials for emerging energy technology it expands upon the established group of Prof. Michael Eikerling. We are aiming at establishing a leading subinstitute for the seamless integration of multidisciplinary and scale-bridging methods and competencies in physical theory and materials simulation, from molecular scale to system level. We create fundamental knowledge and draw conclusions for materials design and fabrication, unraveling their structure vs. property relations, and devising strategies for improving their performance and durability in electrochemical energy devices like fuel cells, batteries or electrolyzers.
We are looking to recruit a
Postdoc in Advanced Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy for Fuel Cell Diagnostics
Your Job:
You will be part of the area “Physical Modeling and Diagnostics” and work in close collaboration with Dr. Thomas Kadyk. Research in this area is geared towards component (i.e., porous electrodes and such) and device level, with efforts in centered on performance and lifetime modeling and development of diagnostic methods and tools, maintaining a close dialogue with partners in industry.
Your tasks in detail:
Your Profile:
Our Offer:
Forschungszentrum Jülich aims to employ more women in this area and therefore particularly welcomes applications from women.
We also welcome applications from disabled persons.
We look forward to receiving your application, preferably via our online recruitment system on our career site, quoting the reference number 2019-269.
Questions about the vacancy?
Contact us by mentioning the reference
number 2019-269: [email protected]
Please note that for technical reasons
we cannot accept applications via