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PostDoc for Latin-American citizens (No replies)

4 years ago
cjruestes 4 years ago

A call for 2-year postdoctoral fellowships will open soon in CONICET-Argentina. We are looking for Latin-American candidates to be sponsored by Universidad Nacional de Cuyo (Argentina), in collaboration with  UNICAMP (Brazil) for a joint project on the study of the deformation mechanisms of Ice using atomistic simulations and a variety of post-processing techniques [1,2]. 

The call opens on July 13 and closes on August 14, 2020. Candidates will be evaluated until December and the results are expected to be announced by Christmas. The successful candidate will be based in Mendoza, Argentina and start the appointment on April 1st 2021. See attachment for details on the call.

Candidates should have a Ph.D degree in physics, materials science or a closely related field (having been awarded before April 1st 2021). He/she should be well versed in research areas such as high-throughput calculations, crystalline materials and statistical physics. They should also have excellent communication skills, both oral and written. The successful candidate is expected to perform high-throughput calculations using molecular simulation packages such as LAMMPS and Quantum Espresso.

Experience in molecular dynamics simulations and/or DFT is required. In addition, previous experience with Matlab, Python, FORTRAN, and the study of the condensed phases of water is preferred.

The salary structure covers the living costs. Other benefits include health insurance, vacation/medical leave, and access to all university facilities.

Applicants should submit a detailed curriculum vitae, including a list of publications, and the names and contact information of references to:

Dr. Carlos Ruestes
Instituto Interdisciplinario de Ciencias Básicas 

Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales

Universidad Nacional de Cuyo – Mendoza - Argentina
Email: [email protected]

[1] Santos-Flórez, P. A., Ruestes, C. J., & de Koning, M. (2018). Uniaxial-deformation behavior of ice I h as described by the TIP4P/Ice and mW water models. The Journal of chemical physics, 149(16), 164711.

[2] Santos-Flórez, P. A., Ruestes, C. J., & de Koning, M. (2020). Atomistic Simulation of Nanoindentation of Ice I h. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 124(17), 9329-9336


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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials