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Job announcements relevant to people interested in electronic structure calculations…

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Postdoc, electron energy loss spectroscopy at Su ... (No replies)

Jerome Jackson
5 years ago
Jerome Jackson 5 years ago

A Research Fellow post has been created to provide dedicated theoretical and modelling support to the SuperSTEM facility and its users, and to provide leadership in the development of modern theoretical methods based in electronic structure theory within the Daresbury Theoretical and Computational Physics team of the STFC Scientific Computing Department.

The successful applicant will lead a research programme associated with electronic structure theory for simulating electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS).  A range of material classes are of interest, eg, complex oxides and 2-dimensional materials, allowing some flexibility in the initial focus but methods for treating strong Coulomb correlations (particularly GW) are expected to play an important part of the work; code development and optimisation for HPC will be required.

Assisting facility staff members and collaborating with external facility users should be significant part of the role.  The post will also involve teaching and training activities related to electronic structure theory and participation in the supervision of undergraduate or postgraduate students.

We are looking for:

  • PhD in computational physics;
  • Detailed knowledge of electronic structure methods (preferably all electron methods, e.g. LMTO, LAPW);
  • Experience of electron microscopy/spectroscopy is desirable;
  • Experience of code development in Fortran90 and Python;
  • Eager to collaborate with experimentalists and engage in diverse research activities;
  • Highly motivated and capable of effectively leading and organising individual research programs; and
  • Excellent oral and written communication skills in English.

The position is limited, in the first instance, to a fixed term of two years.  Deadline for applications is 5 Jan; for more information and to apply:


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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials