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Postdoc: Computational studies on excitons and c ... (No replies)
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A postdoc position for theoretical/computational studies on excitons and charge carriers in ultrathin 2D materials is available in the group of Prof. Laurens Siebbeles at Delft University of Technology in The Netherlands.
The project involves studies on (multi)excitons and charge carriers in 2D metal-chalcogenides for highly efficient ultra-thin photovoltaics.
You will perform theoretical/computational studies on excitons and charge carriers in 2D materials consisting of a metal such as Mo, W, Re, Nb, Zr, or Hf and a chalcogenide S, Se or Te. Materials to be investigated include layers of a single material and bilayers of an electron donor (n-type layer) and an acceptor (p-type layer). You will analyze experimental results of PhD students performing ultrafast pump-probe spectroscopy at TU Delft and the University of Amsterdam (group of Prof. Schall). The project is carried out in collaboration with Toyota Motor Europe.
You will study band gaps, effective masses, exciton binding energies, as well as mobility and decay kinetics of excitons and charge carriers. Methods to be used include (TD)DFT, GW-Bethe-Salpeter equation, mixed quantum-classical dynamics, implemented in e.g. compute engines in AMS, VASP, GPAW, BerkeleyGW and PYXAID, or home-built codes.
Candidates must have a PhD degree in physics, chemistry or materials science and have experience with DFT and preferably also with GW and Bethe-Salpeter calculations.
The project duration is two years with possible extension. The gross salary is in the range 3389-4274 Euro/month excluding holiday allowance (~8%) and end of year bonus (~8%).
Please contact prof. dr. L.D.A.Siebbeles e-mail: [email protected]. Our webpage can be found at
Applications should include a letter of motivation, CV, list of publications and letters of recommendation.