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Postdoc Computational Design of Functional Polym ... (No replies)
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Location: Shanghai, China
Duration: 1 year (possible extension by 1 year)
Starting date: Immediate
The rational design of functional polymers with targeted application properties is of strong interest to both industry and academia. Within this context, synthetic aspects play a key role: depending on the chemical structure of the monomers and reaction conditions, different polymer compositions and molecular weights can be obtained. Unfortunately, the underlying relationships are highly complex and they need to be established on a case-by-case basis. Solvay aims at speeding up the design of functional polymers by using a combination of computational tools, high-throughput experimentation, and machine learning techniques.
Vacancy description
We are looking for a computational chemist to improve the understanding of the reactivity of monomers of interest to Solvay, and ultimately build a database of computational monomer reactivity data. This data will be combined with experiments obtained at Solvay and academic partners, and explored by machine learning techniques. The objective is to develop robust predictive models for the synthesis of functional polymers.
The researcher will be part of a team dedicated to the modeling of chemical reactivity at Solvay’s Research & Innovation center in Shanghai. He / she will work in close collaboration with Solvay scientists and academic partners. This position is of particular interest to researchers who would like to apply quantum chemistry to problems of industrial interest, and become familiar with machine learning techniques.
Interest candidates are kindly asked to submit a letter of motivation, a CV, and 2 letters of recommendation.
Contact: [email protected]