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Postdoc at SUNCAT(Stanford/SLAC) (No replies)

8 years ago
bligaard 8 years ago

We have 3 postdoc positions available in the computational method development group at the SUNCAT Center, where we develop methods, tools, and computed data to be used in the search for novel catalyst materials.

The available positions involve some elements of Machine Learning (Gaussian Processes), DFT calculations (periodic), python programming, web programming (JavaScript), Data Warehouse programming, or cloud computing (Amazon). Each position will have both scientific and technical components, and the projects will be carried out in close collaboration with an industrial partner.

Interested applicants with a recent PhD in physics, chemistry, materials science, or related,  and with experience with periodic DFT calculations, are encouraged to send their CVs to Thomas Bligaard: [email protected]

The SUNCAT Center for Interface Science and Catalysis is a joint Center between Stanford University's School of Engineering and SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, and we are situated approximately 45 minutes south of San Francisco. The Center is led by Professor Jens Nørskov, and explores challenges associated with developing catalysts for chemical transformations of interest for energy conversion/storage.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials