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Postdoc at ETH in Materials Theory Group (No replies)

11 months ago
NicolaSpaldin 11 months ago

The Materials Theory group at ETH Zurich has an opening for a postdoctoral researcher to collaborate with Prof. Nicola Spaldin. The group's research interests are in the development and application of electronic structure methods for understanding and predicting novel functional materials, with a particular focus on complex oxides and materials with multiple competing or cooperating instabilities. For information about our activities please see

The specific research project aims to i) identify order parameters for chirality, ii) explore the relationship between chiral order parameters and physical properties in chiral systems, and iii) design new chiral materials with optimized behaviors. Our main methodology will be first-principles calculations based on density functional theory, which we will use to map the evolution between achiral and ferrochiral phases, to analyze the corresponding changes in electronic structure, and to quantify chiral order and properties. The project is part of the ERC Synergy program "Hidden, entangled and resonating order", in collaboration with the groups of Gabriel Aeppli (PSI), Henrik Ronnow (EPFL) and Sasha Balatsky (Nordita), and will involve close interaction with experimental teams specializing in materials characterization and synthesis.

Candidates should have PhD training in computational/theoretical materials physics or a related field and should be enthusiastic about using electronic structure methods to solve interesting and challenging physical problems. The initial appointment will be for one year, with the expectation of extension for a total of up to three years on mutual agreement. Salary will be commensurate with experience within the ETH salary scale. To apply please submit a short (one page or less) statement of your research interests stating clearly your motivation for working on this research topic and for joining the group, your CV, and the names and contact information of at least two recommenders at the following web-site:

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials