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Postdoc at Brown University (No replies)
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A postdoctoral position is available in the School of Engineering at Brown University. The research will combine electronic structure theory with mechanism development for the development of design principles for the activation of C1 compounds, particularly methane, over non-traditional catalytic materials. This research will involve new theoretical methodology development and the application to physical systems, so creativity and method development skills are essential. Experience with open-source electronic structure codes is preferable, as are coding skills in languages such as python and fortran. A strong background in physical chemistry / chemical physics is suggested.
The postdoc will have the opportunity to be co-supervised by Professors Andrew Peterson and Franklin Goldsmith, whose research groups both combine theoretical calculations with laboratory-based testing to understand reactions at materials interfaces, related to catalysis, combustion, and electrochemical energy storage. To express interest, send CV and statement of interest to [email protected].
Brown University is an Ivy League institution located in Providence, Rhode Island, a metropolitan area of 1.6 million people located within a one-hour train ride of Boston and a three-hour train ride of New York City.