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Postdoc appointment @Argonne - Code development ... (No replies)

Alvaro Vazquez-Mayagoitia
7 years ago

Argonne National Laboratory has recently launched an Early Science Program (ESP) to prepare parallel codes for the next Argonne supercomputer called Aurora, which potentially would be the first U.S. exascale system for open science.

A selected number of ESP projects would have the rare chance to access early versions of Aurora hardware and software. These projects also would have assigned a postdoctoral researcher to collaborate with the ESP teams for the computational readiness of the codes and to carry out applied science in Aurora a year before the system is deployed to the community.

Argonne Leadership Computing Facility (ALCF) invites you to apply for a postdoctoral appointee position to develop and apply massive parallel electronic structure codes for exascale computers. The successful candidates would closely work with a team as major contributor of specific algorithms and strategies to adapt electronic structure methods for Aurora aiming to study the catalysis for converting biomass-derived chemicals into fuels.


Essential Skills

  • PhD in computational sciences in a field related to chemistry, physics, material science, and engineering

  • Comprehensive knowledge in parallel programing approaches (OpenMP, MPI, etc) and numerical methods

  • Experience in C++ ** in particular familiar with C++11 (and newer) standards

  • Effective verbal and written communications skills


**Pre-selected candidates would be asked to provide original samples of C++ code.

To apply, submit your documents to follow link:

For more information please contact Alvaro Vazquez-Mayagoitia

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials