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Postdoc and research associate position openings ... (No replies)

9 months ago
mesophysics 9 months ago

2-3 postdoc and research associate (permanent staff) positions are available in the group of Jianpeng Liu based on either ShanghaiTech University (at Shanghai, China) or Liaoning Academy of Materials (at Shenyang, China). The candidates are expected to work on  theories and computations of correlation effects, electron-phonon coupling effects, and topological properties in moire superlattice systems and 2D heterostructure systems.  

More specific projects include:

(a) Electron-phonon coupling effects and their interplay with e-e Coulomb interactions in moire superlattice systems

(b) Quantum Hall physics and (fractional) Chern insulators in moire superlattice systems

(c) Correlated and topological physics in Coulomb coupled 2D heterostructures

(d) Development and applications of advanced many-body perturbation theory for moire superlattice systems

Competitive salary, as well as housing and medical benefits will be provided. Based on School of Physical Science and Technology and Laboratory for Topological Physics at ShanghaiTech University,  as well as Liaoning Academy of Materials, there will be plenty of opportunities in visiting and collaborating with world-leading physicists in the field of topological physics and strongly correlated physics. 

The candidate should have a Ph.D. degree in physics or materials physics, and should have research experience on theoretical condensed matter physics and/or first principles calculations. The application materials should include a CV with research interest and publication list, and optionally a research statement. Please also arrange to send 2 recommendation letters directly to [email protected]

For more information about the P.I.’s research works, please see:

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials