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Postdoc and PhD positions on Theory of Ultrafast ... (No replies)

6 years ago
battiato 6 years ago
Multiple theory PhD and PostDoc positions are available in the group of Marco Battiato at the Nanyang Technological University in Singapore.

The research will focus on:
- development of a massively parallel solver for the Boltzmann equation for strongly out-of-equilibrium states in real band structures and extended heterostructures;
- study of ultrafast spin transport in metals and semicondcutors;
- absorption and production of THz radiation in heterostructures;
- thermalisation dynamics and transport in low dimensional materials.

PhD positions (starting date: Jan 2020)

The candidate should have a degree in Physics or Mathematics, and is required to be highly motivated and with a strong interest in theoretical and/or computational physics and/or mathematics. 
The application must be submitted through the application portal ($, but contact me first at: marco.battiato (at) 

PostDoc positions (starting date: as soon as agreed)

The candidate should have an excellent scientific track record in physics or mathematics and experience in one (or more) of the following fields: theoretical and computational treatment of ultrafast dynamics in solids; Boltzmann equation; discontinuous Galerkin method.
Please include a brief cover letter with statement of scientific interests and competences, CV with publications list, two contacts for recommendation letters.
For postdoc positions, send applications directly to: marco.battiato (at)

For more information please see:

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials