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Postdoc and PhD positions on aerosol surface che ... (No replies)

8 years ago
naguiltso 8 years ago

Postdoc positions are available at the Environment Research Institute, Shandong University, China, in the group of Prof. Lin Du. Funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) and the national 1000-plan program. The group is working on aerosol surface chemistry with experimental and theoretical methods. The group has two postdoc positions and one international PhD position available in 2017.


Postdoc position 1:

The successful candidate will investigate the aerosol surface chemistry with infrared reflection absorption spectroscopy and flow reactors. A PhD in chemistry or atmospheric/environmental sciences is required. The applicant is expected to have background in IR spectroscopy and atmospheric research. Knowledge of heterogeneous reactions or multiphase chemistry in the atmosphere will be considered as an advantage.

Postdoc position 2:

The successful candidate will study the atmospheric surface reactions in a smog chamber. A PhD in chemistry or atmospheric/environmental sciences is required. Experience of chamber experiment and measurements with GC-MS, SMPS, etc, is recommended.

The selected candidates will be encouraged to apply for the international postdoc exchange fellowship of China government, the top postdoc fellowship in China. Currently, one member in the group is sponsored by the national fellowship. The fellowship includes annual salary of 300,000 RMB (41,000 euros, tax free income for non-Chinese) and other benefits. The successful candidates will also be encouraged to apply for NSFC grants and postdoc science foundation grants as principal investigators.

The candidates of the postdoc positions are expected to have demonstrated research skills and good publication records. Good skills in written and spoken English are required. The postdoc positions are fixed term of two years, and the project is planned to start in autumn 2017. The deadline for application is May 1, 2017.


International PhD position:

The international PhD position is for non-Chinese only and the successful candidate will start in September, 2017. The successful candidate will investigate the aerosol surface chemistry with flow reactors. The candidate of the PhD position is expected to have background in atmospheric environmental sciences and fulfill the requirement of English language of the university. The PhD position is for four years and the deadline for application is March 1, 2017.

Information about the research group is available at The Lin Du Group webpage ( Questions related to the positions, and applications should be sent directly to Prof. Lin Du ([email protected]). Applications are expected to include CV, list of publications and three names of reference persons.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials