Job announcements relevant to people interested in electronic structure calculations…
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Postdoc and junior staff positions in Computatio ... (No replies)
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Dear Colleagues,
We have a position for a post-doc and potentially a junior staff in my group (Basic and Applied Molecular foundations) at PNNL.
The main area would be Chemical separations and we are looking for a motivated candidate with experience in molecular simulation and data science. Experience with coding is also highly desirable.
Please use the link to apply directly through PNNL’s HR site, but they are also welcome to send me an email at [email protected] .
Post-doc position link:
For the junior staff position, they need to contact me.
Thank you very much.
Glezakou, Vassiliki-Alexandra, PhD
Chief Scientist
Basic and Applied Molecular Foundations, Physical Sciences Division
Pacific Norwest National Laboratory
902 Battelle Blvd
PO Box 999, MSIN K1-83
Tel.: 509-375-6961