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Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship, University of ... (No replies)
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Dr Ian Farnan ([email protected]), Professor Chris Pickard ([email protected])
University of Cambridge, Departments of Earth Sciences and Materials Sciences & Metallurgy.
New Materials for Nuclear Applications
A post-doctoral fellowship is available on a project to apply ab initio random structure searching (AIRSS) techniques to new nuclear materials. This post is suitable for a candidate who has or is about to obtain a PhD in Materials Science, Mineral Physics, Physics or Chemistry with experience in first principles calculations of materials properties. The appointee will work with Prof. Pickard and Dr Farnan to couple advanced materials selection techniques and a detailed application of AIRSS to evaluate and propose a new set of materials as components of a nuclear reactor core (fuels and clads). The post is available for one year in the first instance at a salary in the range £28,982 – £30,738.
Closing date for applications, 31st January 2017
Starting date: position available immediately
In order to meet statutory requirements successful candidates will be UK Nationals and capable of being cleared to SC Level
For informal enquiries contact Professor Pickard ([email protected])