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Post-doctoral Research Associate Position in Com ... (No replies)
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The Computer-Aided Nano & Energy Lab (CANELa) led by Prof. Giannis Mpourmpakis at the University of Pittsburgh ( has an opening for a post-doctoral research associate position in the area of computational catalysis. The post-doctoral associate will use density functional theory calculations to investigate chemical reactions of hydrocarbon transformations on acid catalysts.
Applicants are expected to have a PhD in chemistry, physics, chemical engineering, materials science, or a related discipline; a strong background in electronic structure theory and computational chemistry; expertise in using a variety of quantum mechanical computational packages, such as Gaussian, CP2K, Turbomole, VASP etc.; demonstrated competence in computational heterogeneous catalysis; excellent communication skills, including the ability to write peer-reviewed journal articles and create and give oral presentations at scientific conferences. Experience with molecular dynamics simulations is also desirable for this position.
The initial appointment will be for one year and can be renewed subject to satisfactory performance. The post-doctoral associate will benefit from collaborations with other computational researchers (part of the Center for Research Computing) and experimental groups.
Qualified applicants should submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae, and the names and email addresses of three references as a single PDF document to Prof. Giannis Mpourmpakis [email protected]
The University of Pittsburgh is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. Pittsburgh has been voted as one the most livable cities in 2019: