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Post Doctoral Research Associate in Condensed Ma ... (No replies)
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Applications are invited for an EPSRC-funded Postdoctoral Research Assistant position to investigate the physics of muon stopping states in condensed matter systems using first principles computational methods.
The successful candidate will work within the Centre for Materials Physics under the supervision of Professor Tom Lancaster and Professor Stewart Clark on aspects of theoretical modelling of condensed matter systems and leading edge facilities-based experimental work. The project will involve computational modelling aimed at understanding the interaction of positive muons with insulating, metallic, magnetic and superconducting materials. The post-holder will be primarily responsible for first principles computational work using the CASTEP electronic structure code. They will also be expected to participate in the Durham Muon Group’s experimental programme. The group's research has particular emphasis on molecular magnetism, magnetic phenomena in reduced dimensions and frustrated magnetism. The post holder will be expected to liaise with researchers at Oxford University and the ISIS facility with whom we are collaborating on this project, and will be expected to disseminate results in international peer-reviewed journals and conferences.