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Post-Doctoral Research Associate in Computationa ... (No replies)
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Post-Doctoral Research Associate in Computational Catalysis
New paradigms in catalyst design: efficient CH4 conversion by single atom alloys
A postdoctoral position is available for a collaborative project with Prof. Angelos Michaelides ( in the Department of Physics and Astronomy and Dr Michail Stamatakis ( in the Department of Chemical Engineering. The theoretical/simulation project involves to application of density functional theory and kinetic Monte Carlo approaches to better understand chemical reactions at the surfaces of catalytically relevant materials.
The aim of the project is to explore the potential of highly dilute bimetallic alloys (so called “single atom alloys”) for novel reactions and processes in heterogeneous catalysis. In this particular project, the aim is to examine methane activation and carbon-carbon coupling on these materials with the hope of finding novel catalysts to convert methane into higher hydrocarbons. The project will be done in collaboration with Prof. Charlie Sykes’ experimental group in Boston (, whom we have worked closely with for a number of years (see e.g. Nature Chemistry 2018, 10: 325, ACS Catalysis 2018, 8: 5038).
The Michaelides and Stamatakis groups will provide vibrant, thriving and friendly environments for this post-doctoral research associate post. The post-doc will benefit from the expertise in both groups, work closely with the other team members on the project and have plenty of opportunities for international travel to conferences and to collaborators.
The position is available immediately and is funded for 3 years in the first instance. Closing date for applications: 21-Sep-2018.