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Post-doctoral position in Rational Alloy Design: ... (No replies)

7 years ago
jeakola 7 years ago

A post-doctoral researcher position is available at the Department of Physics in the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Technology at NTNU Trondheim. The appointment has a duration of 3 years with the possibility of until 1 year extension with 25% teaching duties in agreement with the department. The position is financed by the NTNU Digitalisation Transfer programme and has a special responsibility of carrying out atomistic simulations for the project ALLDESIGN. The primary objective is to create a digital materials design platform for intermetallic alloy design. The project focuses on aluminium-based alloys, which are of great importance for the Norwegian industry. ALLDESIGN will investigate the physical processes behind slow-diffusion precipitation phenomena starting from atomistic scale and in silico.

We seek applicants with the expertise and motivation to develop computational modeling of intermetallic alloys based on the cluster expansion (CE) formalism for atomistic simulations. To optimize the synergetic efforts in ALLDESIGN, we are seeking a candidate with the primary competence within atomistic modelling of materials (DFT, Monte Carlo) and good programming skills. The candidate should contribute actively to the ALLDESIGN project by taking care of the simulation activities and software development at the atomistic level and linking these methods with multiscale models.

See the full advertisement under:  

Further information can be obtained from Professor Jaakko Akola, Department of Physics, NTNU, E-mail: [email protected]

Applications with CV, publication list and other scientific works, and list of references should be submitted.

Applications must be submitted electronically through

Applications submitted elsewhere will not be considered.

The reference number of the position is: NV-59/18

Application deadline:  27.5.2018

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials