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Post-doctoral position in quantum computing at t ... (No replies)
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Post-doctoral position in quantum computing at the Theory Department of the Fritz-Haber-Institute of the Max-Planck-Society
The Fritz-Haber-Institute (FHI) of the Max-Planck-Society has an opening for a post-doctoral position in quantum computing. The research is a collaboration of the theory department of Prof. Matthias Scheffler and IBM Research – Zurich represented by Dr. Nikolaj Moll. The focus will be on the development of quantum chemistry algorithms for quantum computers. You will contribute to the advancement of open-source software tools in Python and implement optimal algorithms on large numbers of qubits. Involvement in the publication of the research and contributions at conferences is expected.
What you will do:
What is required:
You can find more information about the Theory Department of the FHI, here: .
Potential candidates should send their application, including cover-letter, curriculum vitae, transcript of grades and the contact-details of at least three references as pdf to [email protected] .
The position will be connected to the European Center of Excellence NOMAD (Novel Materials Discovery): .