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Post-Doctoral Position in Materials Theory and S ... (No replies)

10 months ago
rondo 10 months ago

Term and Location: A one-year postdoctoral position with extension up to two years is open in the Materials Theory & Design Group of James Rondinelli at Northwestern University (Evanston, IL USA) beginning immediately. This position is supported fully or partially by external funds; therefore, the continuation of employment is contingent upon receipt of those external funds.

Description and Duties: Work will focus on building descriptive and predictive models of functional molecules for use in quantum sensing and/or formulating a fundamental understanding of mechanochemistry – the use of mechanical force to drive solid-state chemical reactions. Additionally areas of research may include building models of novel mixed-anion materials exhibiting correlated electrons, noncentrosymmetric transition metal compounds with large spin-orbit interactions, and complex oxides under photoexcitation. Emphasis is on using first principles and/or machine-learning (ML) and AI methods coupled with transport and nonequilibrium theories to understand the electronic, magnetic, and optical responses of these systems.

Demonstrated experience is required in using density functional theory-based techniques, Monte Carlo methods, spin Hamiltonians, or many-body electronic structures (beyond-DFT) approaches to build physical models. The candidate must have demonstrated experience working with experimentalists. The candidate should exhibit excellent communication, writing, and organization skills, be a self-starter, and be able to work independently, supervise students, participate creatively in refining program directions, and collaborate with experimentalists.

Presentations at national/international meetings and publication of scientific results in high profile peer-reviewed journals are expected. The candidate will also have ample opportunities to develop their own independent research in a variety of technologically important materials systems and applications.

How to Apply: Applications should include a CV, contact information of at least two individuals, and an estimated availability date. In addition, please provide a one-page (max) narrative description (not list) as a writing sample of past accomplishments, impact, and future research interests. The preferred format is a single PDF-document. Materials should be sent to Prof. Rondinelli at [email protected] with the subject line “24-MTD-PostDoc”.

Deadline: None – applications will be considered until the position is filled.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials