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Post-doctoral position in machine learning in ma ... (No replies)

Adam Foster
8 years ago
Adam Foster 8 years ago

A post-doctoral position is available in the Department of Applied Physics ( at Aalto University as part of the NOMAD European Centre of Excellence ( The project is focused on the implementation of machine learning and big data strategies for materials optimization. In particular, it will require the development of software infrastructure for the analysis and utilization of extensive electronic structure calculations in the context of surface and interface optimization.

At Aalto (, the project is led by three groups – the Surfaces and Interfaces at the Nanoscale (SIN) group ( led by Prof. Adam Foster, Computational Electronic Structure Theory (CEST) ( led by Prof. Patrick Rinke and Prof. Risto Nieminen in the Electronic Properties of Materials (EPM) ( group. The groups are part of the Centre of Excellence for Computational Nanoscience (COMP) at Aalto ( The centre consists of over 100 researchers, forming nine focused research groups. COMP’s research strategy is based on the development and application of advanced theoretical and computational methods for condensed-matter and materials physics and chemistry, especially in nanosciences and nanotechnology.

The project will be carried out in collaboration with the probabilistic modelling group of Prof. Aki Vehtari at Aalto University ( and Prof. Jukka Corander’s Bayesian statistics group ( at Helsinki University.


Successful candidates shall have or are close to having a PhD in Physics, Chemistry, Materials Science, Computer Science, or related disciplines. Experience of machine learning, computational physics simulations and scientific programming are also desirable. The candidate must have a high motivation for research, show evidence of good written and oral communication skills in English, and enjoy working in an international and cross-disciplinary team. 

Starting date can be negotiated, with preference to start early 2017. Starting salary is approximately 3500 €/month and will increase over time. The contract is initially made for one year, followed by an extension subject to adequate performance. The contract includes Aalto University occupational healthcare. Position can be filled before the application deadline.


The deadline for applications is 11.12.2016. 

Inquiries and applications should be made through the Aalto recruitment system:

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials