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Post-Doctoral Position in Electronic Structure T ... (No replies)

9 years ago
satpathy 9 years ago

Applications are invited for the position of a post-doctoral fellow in theoretical condensed matter physics at the University of Missouri beginning around January 2015. The work will involve research in the area of correlated electron materials such as perovskite oxides and their interfaces, low dimensional systems such as MoS2, strong spin-orbit coupled materials, and other emerging problems of current interest. The ideal candidate will demonstrate a strong scientific background in condensed matter theory as evident from an excellent PhD performance with significant journal publications, the capability to cope with topics beyond their limited field of thesis research, and teamwork and communication skills. A thorough understanding of the electronic structure of solids is essential; Experience with density functional electronic structure methods such as LMTO, LAPW, VASP, etc. is highly desirable. The position is for two years and may be extended subject to the availability of funding and scientific interest of the group. My research group consists of typically two graduate students, one or two post-docs, and regular long-term visitors and an occasional undergraduate student, with strong interaction among the group members. The group's expertise is in the density-functional calculations, but many projects in the group do not require expertise in the DFT methods. This open position requires expertise in the density functional methods. Past and ongoing problems in the group include DFT electronic structure of solids, correlated electron solids, oxide interfaces and bulk, Rashba spin-orbit interaction, Gutzwiller method, phase separation, RKKY interaction, spin ice compounds, Dzyaloshinksii-Moriya interaction, etc.

A Ph. D. degree in theoretical condensed matter physics is required. Interested candidates should send a letter of interest, a curriculum vita, selected two to three papers describing previous research, and arrange for three letters of references. Application materials may be uploaded directly on the website (preferable) or emailed to: Prof. S. Satpathy, Department of Physics, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65211, USA [[email protected]]. Full consideration of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials