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Post-doctoral position in computational physics ... (No replies)

Adam Foster
6 years ago
Adam Foster 6 years ago
As part of the Academy of Finland project ‘Computational tomographic atomic force microscopy’ (CATAFM), a post-doctoral position is available in my group in computational physics and machine learning. The CATAFM project targets an opportunity to develop a systematic software approach to understand and predict atomic force microscopy images for molecules of any size, configuration or orientation. This is integrated into a machine learning infrastructure that can then predict molecular structure directly from an arbitrary AFM experimental image, without any of the current constraints on dimensionality and shape. The project is built around three groups at Aalto ( – at the Department of Applied physics , the Surfaces and Interfaces at the Nanoscale (SIN) group ( led by Prof. Adam Foster and the Atomic Scale Physics (STM) group led by Prof. Peter Liljeroth, and at the Department of Computer Science, the Computer Vision group led by Prof. Juho Kannala (

We are looking for a computational post-doctoral researcher for the project, working mainly on modelling of molecules on surfaces and development of the imaging simulations. However, we anticipate this researcher should work closely with the machine learning team, and with the experimental researchers.


Successful candidates shall have or are close to having a PhD in Physics, Chemistry, Materials Science, or related disciplines. Experience of computational physics simulations and scientific programming are also desirable, and any knowledge of machine learning is welcome. The candidate must have a high motivation for research, show evidence of good written and oral communication skills in English, and enjoy working in an international and cross-disciplinary team. The standard contract periods are 2 years for post-doctoral researchers, with possibilities for extensions.  Typical gross salary ranges at the Aalto School of Science are 3400-3900 €/month for post-doctoral researchers. Moreover, Finland has a comprehensive social security system.


The call is open and the position can be filled as soon as a proper candidate is found. The deadline for the first round of applications is 16th September 2019. Applications should consist of a scientific CV including publication list and the names of two referees. Inquiries and applications should be made through the Aalto recruitment system.
Adam Foster
Department of Applied Physics
Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland
[email protected]

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials