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Post-doctoral Position in Computational Heteroge ... (1 reply)
Correction: the salary is incorrectly stated in the above ad. It is $91,000 per annum.
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Post-doctoral Position in Computational Heterogeneous Catalysis, Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore, California
SALARY: $85,700 USD / year
Job Description
A postdoctoral fellowship is available immediately to work under the supervision of Dr. Judit Zádor at Sandia National Laboratories in Livermore, California. We are looking for a creative problem solver with a thorough knowledge of the fundamentals of physical chemistry and experience in scientific computing. The postdoctoral associate will be responsible for developing, testing and applying new methods for large-scale kinetics calculations on coupled gas-phase/metal heterogeneous catalytic systems. The work is in the framework of a Sandia-led Department of Energy funded project, therefore, collaboration in an interdisciplinary multi-institution team is a crucial aspect of the job.
The Post-Doctoral Appointee Program is designed to recruit outstanding Ph.D. applicants to assist a line organization in meeting its mission objectives and to provide a professional technical work environment for the employee. The Ph.D. must have been conferred within five years prior to employment. These assignments are for a one-year period, with the option at management’s discretion to serve no more than five additional one-year assignments.
For more information and to apply, visit, and search for Job ID 666513 in department 08353.
Qualifications We Require
A PhD in a relevant discipline (conferred within the past five years).
Candidate must have substantial expertise in an area of heterogeneous catalysis, computational chemistry and in scientific programming. Scientific ability should be demonstrated by a strong publication record coupled with good presentation, writing, and communication skills.
Qualifications We Desire
Knowledge of the theoretical and modeling aspects of gas-phase oxidation chemistry and heterogeneous catalysis is strongly desired. Familiarity and previous experience with atom-centered and plane wave quantum chemistry codes, high-performance computing, and Python are also desired.
About Our Team
The Combustion Chemistry and Diagnostics Department is part of Sandia's Combustion Research Facility (CRF) in Livermore, California, where over 100 scientists, engineers, and technologists conduct basic and applied research to improve our nation's ability to use and control combustion processes efficiently and cleanly. Under the principal sponsorship of the Department of Energy's Office of Basic Energy Sciences, the Combustion Chemistry and Diagnostics Department conducts fundamental experimental, theoretical, and modeling research to develop a foundational understanding of the key chemical processes that underlie the complex mechanisms of combustion. Additional programs investigate the effects of combustion emissions on atmospheric composition and climate. Research areas include chemical dynamics and spectroscopy, theoretical and experimental chemical kinetics, flame chemistry and modeling, and gas-phase and particulate diagnostics development and deployment.
Hiring Manager
Craig Taatjes
Security Clearance
No clearance required.
This position does not currently require a Department of Energy (DOE)-granted security clearance.
Sandia will conduct a pre-employment background review that includes personal reference checks, law enforcement record checks, and employment and education verifications. Further, employees in New Mexico must pass a U.S. Air Force background screen for access to the work site. Substance abuse or illegal drug use, falsification of information, criminal activity, serious misconduct or other indicators of untrustworthiness can cause access to be denied or terminated, rendering the inability to perform the duties assigned and resulting in termination of employment.
If hired without a clearance, and one subsequently becomes required or you bid on positions that require a DOE-granted security clearance, a pre-processing background review that includes personal reference checks, law enforcement record and credit checks, and employment and education verifications may be conducted prior to a required federal background investigation. Applicants for DOE-granted security clearances must be U.S. citizens and be able to obtain and maintain the appropriate DOE security clearance as required for the position
Equal opportunity employer/Disability/Vet/GLBT