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Post-doctoral position in computational (energy) ... (No replies)

7 years ago
ValPetkov 7 years ago

A post-doctoral position is available in the field of modeling the atomic-scale structure of materials for energy-related applications, in particular nanometallic catalysts.  Good knowledge of MD, Monte Carlo, DFT and other computational techniques is a must. Ability to write/execute simple code (any language) is highly desirable. 3D structure models (real nanoparticle size/shape/chemistry/free surface/non-periodic boundary conditions) will be tested and refined against TEM, XPS, synchrotron XRD (ex situ and in operando) etc experimental data. Electronic structure (e.g. d-band DOS/reactivity descriptors) will be derived from the best structure models. Check recent papers posted at for more info on the essence of research related to the position. The position is funded by DOE (US Department of Energy). Qualified candidates may e-mail  [email protected] providing a short CV, statement of research and a list of  three  references.    

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials