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Post-Doctoral Position in Computational Electroc ... (No replies)
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There is currently one post-doctoral position available for a motivated individual in computational condensed-matter/chemistry/materials science in the Andreussi Research Group at the Department of Physics of the University of North Texas. The position is available immediately. Research themes pursued in the group focus on modeling complex environment effects in interfacial systems through the use of continuum or atomistic embedding approaches coupled with first principles simulations.
Applications will focus on catalysis, electrochemistry, photocatalysis, and materials design optimization. Within these research themes, suitable research projects are identified according to the interest and inclination of the successful applicant. Computational tools used in the research group involve advanced electronic structure calculations (Quantum ESPRESSO and the Environ plugin,, classical and ab initio molecular dynamics simulations.
The post-doc appointment is initially for one year and could be extended for a second one depending on mutual agreement. Previous experience with advanced electronic-structure calculations is requested. Computational skills in Fortran and Python are a plus. The interested post-doc candidate should send (in PDF-format) their
The interested post-doc candidate should also express its motivation in a cover letter, including the prospected date of availability, and arrange confidential letters of recommendation to be sent to Oliviero Andreussi by email (oliviero.andreussi "at" Only complete applications will be processed. The selection process will continue until a suitable candidate is found.