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Post-Doctoral Position in Atomic Scale Simulatio ... (No replies)
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Post-Doctoral Position in Atomic Scale Simulation at EPFL (Lausanne)
(date of announcement: 23/05/2017)
There is currently a post-doctoral position available for a talented and motivated individual in computational condensed matter physics within the Chair of Atomic-Scale Simulation (CSEA) at EPFL in Lausanne. The position is available immediately. Pursued research themes focus on defects, semiconductor-oxide interfaces, semiconductor-liquid interfaces, photocatalytic water splitting, and materials design optimization. The position involves advanced electronic structure calculations at the GW and hybrid-functional levels and ab initio molecular dynamics simulations. The CSEA at EPFL benefits from outstanding computational facilities.
The post-doc appointment is initially for one year and could be extended for a second one depending on mutual agreement and funding. Previous experience with GW calculations based on plane waves and pseudopotentials is requested. The appointment involves teaching duties at EPFL. The interested post-doc candidate should send (in PDF-format) their
The interested post-doc candidate should also express their motivation in a cover letter, including the prospected date of availability, and arrange confidential letters of recommendation to be sent to Alfredo Pasquarello by email (Alfredo.Pasquarello @ Only complete applications will be processed. The selection process will continue until a suitable candidate is found.
Station 3 / PH H2 467
CH-1015 Lausanne
Tel. : +41 21 693 44 16
Fax : +41 21 693 54 19
E-mail : Alfredo.Pasquarello @